Welcome to the Set4e.com blog!

"You perceive my thoughts from afar."
Psalm 139:2b

Obviously I don't need to blog for God to know what's on my mind! But I thought this format might be a good way to share my thoughts with you, for what they're worth. Which probably isn't much in the scheme of things, but perhaps you can glean something from these ramblings that will encouraging you or get you thinking about our God and our relationship with Him as worshipers.

I will warn you: no one has ever accused me of being concise, so don't expect Twitter or even Facebook-friendly updates here!

As always, I welcome your thoughts and comments at lee.mayhew@yahoo.com.

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Keep the faith,


Thursday, February 18, 2016

Solidarity in Celebration

This weekend we'll be celebrating my daughter's eleventh birthday by having a house full of giggly, squealing, fifth-grade girls.  All night!  There will be cake.  There will be soda.  There will be karaoke.  There will be dancing and trampolining.  There will be movies and chatter until the wee hours.  Please pray for my wife and I. :)

But seriously, I'm okay with this.  Is this my preferred way to spend my Friday night?  Well, no, not really.  But here's the deal: I love my daughter.  And while I celebrate her in little ways every day, this day -- her birthday -- is particularly special and is set apart to celebrate her in big ways.

When you love someone and want to celebrate that person, you are willing to be in the company of others who love the same person so that you can celebrate him or her together, even if those other  people might not be who you would choose to spend your free time with in other contexts.  It's all about the one you love.  It's about choosing to love others because the one you love loves them.  It's about the one being celebrated and not the celebrants.

As Christ-followers, imagine if we approached our Church gatherings with this same mindset.

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